Our podcasts
All that's professional and fun

Want to keep your key professionals ahead of your competitors? Want to learn crisis-proof HR strategies? Want to know how much you're worth in the market? Want to make the right decision when changing jobs? Are you curious about the latest recruitment trends and innovations? As an entrepreneur, are you interested in how to find growth reserves in your company and scale up? If you feel that any of these questions speak to you, you're our man!
Podcast host: József Illés CEO, Founder, IDBC

We present the life, challenges and competencies of project managers from a completely different, new perspective, all through the cheerful optimism and humorous style of Kristóf Hegedüs. Kristóf has more than 20 years of extensive leadership experience in project management IT and strategy management, first in Generali, then in banking at Budapest Bank, later at Bankholding as PMO, and since October 2022 he has been strengthening the IDBC team as Head of Project Management Business Unit. Serious topics, no nonsense.
Podcast host: Kristóf Hegedüs Head of Project Management Business, IDBC

We explore the difficulties, anxiety and opportunities of starting a career with talented and successful young people. "I believe that whether in our emerging careers or in our personal lives, we go through similar experiences. Expectations, long-term decisions, missed opportunities, courage, security. These are the feelings and experiences that we want to work through with successful young people from Generation Z to help them."
Podcast host: Implom Soma Sales Manager, IDBC