Let's talk

We present you with the best professionals


Own team of 200+ people

Confident, hard-working and resilient colleagues who are efficient and enthusiastic following placement


Over 200 customers

Quality and ongoing communication with clients and building long-term client relationships


years of care

For our Clients, Candidates, Colleagues

100 %

Hungarian ownership

We pride ourselves on our dynamic growth as an independent company

4 billion HUF

2023 revenue

Stable company size, secure foundations, accurate pay, support for our colleagues even in difficult times


we can help!

We know the importance of social responsibility, our two main objectives are helping vulnerable social groups, as well as supporting sustainability and environment.

Korábbi CSR akcióink

We’ve won the title of “Lovable Workplaces” 3 times in a row

Mindent megteszünk munkatársaink sikeréért.

IDBC Business Coaching

A személyes, négyszemközti fejlesztési folyamatban a kompetenciádat erősítheted, magabiztosabbá válhatsz és elakadás esetén megoldást találhatsz

IDBC kommunikációs képzés

A 4 modulos, gyakorlatorientált belső képzés abban segít, hogy jobban kommunikálj és könnyebben kezelj konfliktushelyzeteket

Projekt Management képzés

Az 5 modulos belső képzésünk gyakorlati tudást, használható módszertant nyújt számodra

Szakmai, módszertani vizsgák

Válassz ki egy igényednek megfelelő vizsgát, mellyel eredményesebb lehetsz a munkádban és az IDBC támogatni fogja a fejlődésedet

Konferencia, meetup

A tájékozottság versenyelőny!Támogatjuk, hogy kollégáink szakmai konferenciákon, meetupokon vegyenek részt, külső és belső eseményeken egyaránt

Our management team:

Ágnes Dohos

COO, Founder

József Illés

CEO, Founder

Sugár Deáky-Croca

Chief Customer Officer

Sándor Bodnár

Chief Solutions & Commercial Officer

Zsófia Éles

Head of Experts and Developers Business Unit, Head of Contracting Recruitment

Kristóf Hegedüs

Head of Project Management Business Unit

Rebeka Mancsiczky

Head of Finance & Business Services Recruitment

Zsuzsa Molnár-Szabó

Head of IT Recruitment Business Unit

Bence Szalai

Head of Engineering Recruitment Business Unit

Tamara Kovács

Head of HR

Csaba Orosz

Head of Controlling & Reporting

Ildikó Oszlánszki

Head of Back Office

Helga Szűr

Head of Service Design

Our story:


Our company achieved a revenue of 4 billion HUF: a 25% increase! New office: 200+ employees moved to the Duna Tower after a 1.5 year long project! New business unit managers in Engineering, IT, and SSC have been appointed to contribute to the development of our company with their experience and expertise.


220-strong IDBC team, HUF 3 billion turnover – huge growth! We’ve gone up a level! We are a top 5 recruitment company! Moving to Agile, RecOps organisational development, business unit structure development. New areas: finance, SSC, engineering, senior management recruitment, RPO.


Digital ecosystem is a strategic focus: Öt lovas webinar, Fel vagy véve podcast, video job ads, professional blog. 2.1Bn turnover peak, 150-strong organisation, 150 clients. Our recruitment team has grown from 10 to 40+ people.


The team has exceeded 100 members, and we have achieved a revenue of 1.5 billion HUF. Digital recruitment, a new communication strategy, renewal on multiple fronts. In response to the challenges posed by COVID-19, we have reorganized our processes, replacing office life with home office.


IDBC is 5 years old. We became a 100% staffing and recruitment company, Lovable Workplace Award, Professional Community building, further dynamic expansion: HUF 1.2 bn. Revenue, a team of 91 persons


We doubled our office area, we became OTP Business Ambassadors, we supported the WRO Robot Olympiad, we became Microsoft Gold Partners, Lajosmizse off-site no. 2, and we exceeded HUF 1b revenue!


IDBC Austria is established, IDBC running team, the first ski camp together, the legendary off-site in Lajosmizse


A new spacious office, a new brand, the first awesome off-site company meeting in Mátrafüred. We expand dynamically: HUF 700 M revenue, a team of 56 persons


This is the small office from where we set off to conquer the world; already HUF 300 m turnover and a team of 27 members in the first year


The idea to found IDBC, an IT and consultancy company, comes up in a small cottage in the woods


Founders: Ágnes Dohos and József Illés

Those who have already chosen us:

This is what our everyday life looks like:

IDBC életképek
IDBC életképek
IDBC életképek
IDBC életképek
IDBC életképek
IDBC életképek

Do you need some recruitment help?

Request an online consultation
or a personalized offer!

Our expert team will contact
you within 1 business day!

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We rejoice together in the success of our colleagues: