
How to prepare for a job interview

Herczeg Sára Content Strategy Specialist

2024. April 10.

Reading time: 3 min

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The job interview is a crucial moment that can determine your future. An interview that goes well can open doors for you, while a bad interview can ruin your chances of getting the position you want. But how do you prepare effectively? Here’s a detailed look at what to look out for to ensure a successful interview.

1. Background research: become an expert

Before you answer a single question, get to know the company you’re interviewing with. Find out about their mission, values and latest news. Understanding their goals will allow you to tailor your answers and show genuine interest. It’s also a good time to check out the realistic salary ranges in your field. Read our previous article to find out how to determine your salary requirements!

2. The position: matching skills

Review the job description again and analyse the skills and experience they are looking for. Identify the areas where your strengths directly match their needs. Think of previous projects or experiences that demonstrate these skills and be prepared to detail specific examples using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method.

3. Question time: plan with them and win

While you can’t predict every question, be prepared for common interview questions like “tell us about yourself” or “why do you want this job?”. Practice your answers out loud and focus on clarity, brevity and highlighting your strengths. Research common practice questions and develop a story that demonstrates your problem-solving and teamwork skills. For example, see our previous article on how to answer the 6 most common difficult interview questions.

4. Don’t forget the other side: be curious yourself!

Write down your own questions for the interviewer. This shows initiative and a genuine interest in the role and company culture. Focus on the day-to-day aspects of the job, team dynamics and opportunities for development in the position. We’ve also previously provided you with a cheat sheet of 5 questions to remember to ask at interview.

5. Practice makes perfect: practice and fine-tune

Rehearse your answers with a friend, family member or even in front of a mirror. This practice will hone your delivery, identify areas for improvement, and boost your confidence.

6. Dress for success: first impressions count

Choose professional attire that fits the corporate culture. Dress smartly and comfortably, but if you’re unsure, opt for formality. First impressions are important, and a sharp appearance conveys respect and professionalism.

7.  Logistics: be prepared and punctual

Plan your route to the interview location in advance, taking into account travel time and possible delays. Aim to arrive 5 minutes early to demonstrate your punctuality and professionalism. Bring a copy of your CV, a notepad and a pen – depending on the field, a professional portfolio may be important.

By following these steps, you’ll enter the interview room prepared and confident, ready to show why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Remember, interviews are a two-way street. While they’re assessing how well you’re suited to the job, you’re also assessing whether the company is a good fit for your career goals.

The job search and interview process alone can often be stressful. That’s where a team of trained consultants can help, who, by profession, help corporate and private clients with labour market issues every day. If you are interested in how we can find you a job free of charge, read our article on the subject or contact us at For more career advice, follow us as we share similar useful tips every week.